Leelanau News and Events

The Latest Leelanau County Blotter and 911 Report

By Ticker Staff | May 28, 2021

After a brief hiatus, the Leelanau Ticker is back with a look at the most alarming, offbeat, or otherwise newsworthy calls to the Leelanau Office of Emergency Management/911 dispatch. The following is excerpted from the May 20 to May 27 call reports:

12:44AM 05/19/21 Breaking & Entering, S. Schomberg Road, “Someone is trying to get in here.” Reporting party can hear noises outside. Shaking and rattling outside. Front door is barricaded, and all other doors are secured. No signs of anyone. Will go to front door to meet the caller. Secure; property and residence have been searched. 45-23 has located a rodent in the duct work. Believe that was the source.

2:36AM 05/20/21 Motor Vehicle Crash, N. Manitou Trail, Reporting party’s son was driving vehicle that went into a tree.

7:18PM 05/21/21 Unconscious, N. St. Mary’s Street, Male passed out. Turning purple. Just opened his eyes; now breathing per the reporting party.

8:02PM 05/21/21 Trespassing, S. Townline Road, Reporting party sees eight cars parked at Sugar Loaf lodge; saw kids coming out of lodge.

3:37PM 05/22/21 Fireworks, W. Front Street, Group of 11 motorcyclists launch fireworks in the road that shook downtown. Leaving now, headed towards M-22.

6:44PM 05/22/21 Road Hazard, S. Fisher Road, Large turtle in the middle of the road.

7:09PM 05/22/21 Animal Control Lost Dog, N. Manitou Trail, Caller reporting her 12-year-old Golden ran off at the top of Clay Cliffs 20 minutes ago. Has collar with reporting party’s info. Dog has been located on the cliff.

7:47PM 05/22/21 Suspicious Incident, Reporting party had a man point at him when leaving Market 22.

9:59PM 05/22/21 Fireworks, S. West Bay Shore Drive, Reporting party can see fireworks coming from house north of the caller. There is a wedding party occurring. She can hear the music at her house. Spoke to band who will turn it down.  

9:38AM 05/23/21 Watercraft, E. Lehmann Road, Boat blown to shore in the cedar trees.  

7:40PM 05/23/21 Citizen Assist, S. Bar Lake Road, Wife and son are hiking and got turned around. Reporting party has lost service. She is walking on S. Bar Lake Road now.

9:55PM 05/23/21 Fire Tech, Dune Climb, Relay from Benzie: Male at the Dune Climb, no medical conditions but are not able to get back. They are somewhere at the waterline; phone is at 1 percent. Per radio, have reached the water, search party has located subjects about a mile south of the trail. All personnel are off the beach, back en route with two subjects who have been turned over to park service.

12:31AM 05/24/21 Illegal Camping, S. Dune Climb

7:12PM 05/24/21 911 Hang-up, N. Putnam Road, Multiple 911 calls from what sounds like a child, continues to call, says hi and hangs up.

7:13PM 05/24/21 911 Hang-up, N. Nish-nah-bah Mi-K, 30-plus 911 calls from young male, hangs up before any real exchange of information. Everything is secure here.

12:38AM 05/25/21 Vehicle in Ditch, N. Overlook Road, male driver, black Suburban.

9:38PM 05/25/21 Miscellaneous Juvenile, Glen Lake Narrows, 8-10 high-school age kids jumping off the bridge.

7:46AM 05/26/21 Traffic Violation, S. West Bay Shore Drive, Reckless driver Northbound, ran southbound driver off the road, driving fast, full-size gray pickup.


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