Leelanau News and Events

The Latest Leelanau County Blotter & 911 Call Report

By Ticker Staff | Nov. 9, 2022

The Leelanau Ticker is back with a look at the most alarming, offbeat, or otherwise newsworthy calls to the Leelanau Office of Emergency Management/911 dispatch. The following is excerpted from the November 1st to November 7th call reports.

1:23:23pm 11/1/2022 Suspicious Incident Solon Twp., Caller believes that in late summer someone stole things from her residence.

4:23:34pm 11/1/2022 Misc Juvenile Suttons Bay, Daughter was attacked by another girl.

4:47:12pm 11/1/2022 Domestic Elmwood Twp., Woman assaulted.

5:02:46pm 11/1/2022 Information Elmwood Twp., Dog was hit by car and car drove off.

5:59:51pm 11/1/2022 Alarm Glenwood Twp., EPS alarm. EPS called back and was canceled by the homeowner. 

7:14:32pm 11/1/2022 Deer S Bugai Rd & E Lincoln Rd., Caller hit a deer, Road Commission notified of deer. 

7:21:29pm 11/1/2022 Motor Vehicle Crash S Bugai Rd & E Lincoln Rd., Second vehicle tried to avoid the deer and hit a road marker. Road Commission notified. 

8:09:38pm 11/1/2022 Fire Alarm Lake Leelanau, Caller hears alarms coming from inside the front porch and sees flashing lights. No smoke or flames. 

9:14:08pm 11/1/2022 Headache Leelanau Cty., Headache. Priority 3.

8:49:18am 11/2/2022 Animal Control Elmwood Twp., Says there is a dog that is constantly barking (could hear it in the background), starts at about 6am every day when it's tied outside and sometimes continues until noon. 

11:20:21am 11/2/2022 Animal Control Empire Twp., Caller bit by dog, cheek. Went to residence for cleaning. 

11:46:30am 11/2/2022 Illegal Camping Leelanau Cty., Man and his two sons living/trespassing on a 40 acre parasol owned by the township. There is litter, illegal camping, and it appears to have been going on for months. 

2:52:28pm 11/2/2022 Standby Empire Twp., Estranged husband. The caller will be allowed a civil standby to retrieve some personal items from the home. 

3:36:52pm 11/2/2022 Fire Lines Leland Twp., Tree limb on a power line, line is arcing and there is fire along the roadway. Working to contain the fire. Update: fire is out, mopping up operations.

5:49:00pm 11/2/2022 Animal Control Bingham Twp., "Lucy” gold colored cat got out this morning. Lucy returned safely.

6:04:25pm 11/2/2022 Assault Suttons Bay, Receiving threats. 

11:03:26pm 11/2/2022 Welfare Check Elmwood Twp., Caller's mother has not been heard from in 2 days and the family has not heard from her either, all calls go straight to voicemail. Update: Both units clear on stand down, phone was just dead.

3:28:40am 11/3/2022 Found Property Glen Arbor, Found a small black backpack. 

4:50:05pm 11/3/2022 Fire Centerville Twp., Grass fire out of control. Update: fire is out, mopping up operations. 

1:05:08am 11/4/2022 OWI W Bay shore Dr & E Traverse Hwy., On sobriety, one in custody. 

11:03:39am 11/4/2022 Suspicious Incident Elmwood Twp., Note on the door of the residence.

11:14:40am 11/4/2022 Animal Control E Duck lake and N Herman Rd., Yellow lab running in the road wearing a red collar. Caller is hanging onto the dog until the owner is located. 

11:24:59am 11/4/2022 Warrant Arrest Elmwood Twp., 45-06 Called out with someone flagging him down. Made contact and 1 in custody. 

11:38:50am 11/4/2022 Motor Vehicle Crash Cherry Bend Rd., Spoke to the subject who hit a pole and admitted guilt. They will get with the township and take care of things civilly.

12:23:57pm 11/4/2022 Neighbor Suttons Bay, Caller and spouse were riding their bikes and believe the neighbors “buzzed” by them.  

6:55:34pm 11/4/2022 Disorderly Lake Leelanau, Man says someone ran into him, standing outside, yelling and screaming at patrons. 

8:05:59pm 11/4/2022 Citizen Arrest Lake Leelanau, Caller reported a group who ordered food and did not pay for all of it, now they are not returning calls or coming back to the restaurant. 

7:53:28am 11/5/2022 Suspicious Incident S Elm St., Caller arrived to play pickleball at the middle school and there was an open door. Building was checked and everything is secure.  

9:43:52am 11/5/2022 Alarm Maple City, Silent panic alarm. Update: bacon set off smoke alarms and they typed the wrong code in. 

12:30:07pm 11/5/2022 Trespassing Elmwood Twp., Caller stated that the subject needs to be trespassed from property. Update: currently at the property, issuing a trespass citation. 

7:09:43pm 11/5/2022 Fire/Wires Down N West-Bay Shore Dr., Powerline down across the road, M22 is closed down. Leelanau County Road Commission notified of road closure and will notify Lansing. Consumers cut the wires so they are no longer a hazard, all units clear and available.

7:53:37pm 11/5/2022 Building Check Leelanau Cty., Caller is requesting a check on his residence, owns a google nest and it is showing the heat being turned on at the house and no one should be there. Light on upstairs, he advised it could have been left on by the cleaners. House is secure, a window is cracked but no one appears to be inside.

12:12:26am 11/6/2022 OWI West-Bay Shore Dr., Called direct about a possible HBD (has been drinking) leaving the casino. Vehicle stopped on sobrieties, 1 in custody.

11:07:52am 11/6/2022 Information Cedar, Political sign taken last night, doesn't want to see a deputy, just wants it noted. 

2:30:18pm 11/6/2022 Welfare Check Leelanau Twp., Caller has been trying to get in touch with their mother for like 2 weeks. 

4:25:16pm 11/6/2022 Lost Property Leelanau Cty., Lost wallet Friday evening, 11/4/2022, last place remember having it was Holiday. Brown, thin wallet. 

5:55:05pm 11/6/2022 Motor Vehicle Crash South Lakeshore Dr., Ran into a tree. Send Leland with a saw.

8:06:05am 11/6/2022 Citizen Arrest Leelanau Cty., Caller is reporting people at the park and no one is supposed to be there. He is concerned because there has been drug activity and break ins at the pavilion and doesnt want that to keep happening. 

5:30:10am 11/7/2022 Suspicious Incident Leelanau Cty., Reporter is calling from the lodge, hears screaming coming from the “back 40” out at the lodge. Can't find anything, thinks it could have possibly been an animal. Still checking the area, UTL.

6:41:22am 11/7/2022 Fire Alarm Leland Twp., Fire alarm. Walked around, no fire or smoke, can hear alarms from inside still going off. Waiting on the keyholder.


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The Latest Leelanau County Blotter & 911 Call Report

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