Leelanau News and Events

The Latest Leelanau County Blotter & 911 Call Report

By Ticker Staff | Dec. 18, 2024

The Leelanau Ticker is back with a look at the most alarming, offbeat, or otherwise newsworthy calls to the Leelanau Office of Emergency Management/911 dispatch. The following is excerpted from the October 11 to October 27 call reports.

1:58pm 12/10/2024 Drill S West-bay Shore Dr., Tornado drill. 

10:00am 12/11/2024 Assist Dept S Center Hwy., Grand Traverse County requested T&N for found dog in their county.

10:32am 12/11/2024 Animal Control E Cherry Bend Rd., Someone found two dogs on Cherry Bend and couldn't hold onto them as she had to go to work so she dropped them off at the animal hospital– female golden retriever and female german shepherd short haired pointer, both have electric fence collar and are chipped but not registered.

12:11pm 12/11/2024 Fire Gas Leak Lake Leelanau, Gas leak, service dog made caller get out of the house. Smelled something rancid at the back end of the house, propane tank 30 feet from the house. Unfounded readings– referred homeowner to her propane company. 

6:58am 12/12/2024 Alarm S Manitou Trl., Alarm doors and windows are secure, there is a slider that is cracked.

2:17pm 12/12/2024 Road Hazard Northport, Farmer piling snow up in front of the stop sign. No snow pile blocking the road or sign, there is a small pile on the side of the road by the exit of his barn. 

4:35pm 12/12/2024 Citizens Assist Northport, Caller’s dog got his paw stuck in the fence at the dog park and she needs wire cutters to free his paw. 

8:37am 12/13/2024 MDOP Leland Twp., Man tearing up the room. 

2:09am 12/14/2024 Welfare Check Leelanau Cty., Called and would like a check on his wife. 

10:18pm 12/14/2024 Noise Solon Twp., Caller reports noise from Timberlee for the last couple of hours, was out walking his dog, heard what he believes could be fireworks or gunshots.

3:06am 12/15/2024 Noise Suttons Bay Twp., Caller reports loud music for the last few hours, would like someone to ask them to turn it down. Addressed with 8 subjects, turned it down.

8:04am 12/16/2024 Motor Vehicle Crash Lake Leelanau Cty., Garbage truck driver hit power pole and lines are down, power is out at the plant and lines are laying on the truck. One person in the vehicle, no damage to truck and driver is okay. 

12:51pm 12/16/2024 Car Deer Leelanau Cty., Caller hit a deer this morning in a red pickup work truck, wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do since it wasn’t his vehicle, spoke with employer and has returned to scene, deer ran off. 

5:43pm 12/16/2024 Leave Scene Grelickville, 11 year old son got hit while on his bike, he walked his bike to the park and called the reporter. No injuries.


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