Leelanau News and Events

Leelanau Township Invites Input On Master Plan At Open House Sept. 22 (Plus Community Survey Is Now Live)

By Emily Tyra | Sept. 21, 2021

Leelanau Township is hosting a community engagement session with drop-in hours of 5-7pm Wednesday Sept. 22 to gather public feedback on critical issues relevant to its update to the Master Plan and Parks & Recreation Plan.

Feedback from this community engagement session will be incorporated into both final documents and will inform the future development of Leelanau Township.

The open house will be held outside in the courtyard next to the township office at 119 Nagonaba Street. 

The presentation will be informal, with a series of visuals highlighting the topics at hand and opportunities for each attendee to indicate their feedback.

The Master Plan lays out “where the township should go” based on a combination of residents’ priorities and findings drawn from the inventory process. Issues and potential priorities to be explored include uses allowed on agricultural property with active farm operations, including farm stays and events; creating a sustainable park system; recreational improvements including public access to water; affordable housing; shoreline erosion, septic systems, protection of dark skies, and much more.

The open house is being facilitated by Beckett & Raeder, with planners Sara Kopriva and Carrie Klinglesmith circulating for those with questions about the master plan process.

All of the Master Plan and Parks & Rec Plan survey items are also available for feedback via a now-live online community survey, which can be found here

Those living in or with property in Leelanau Township can voice their thoughts before October 5 when the community survey expires. More info be found at planleelanautownship.org

For questions or comments about the open house or community survey, please email Sara Kopriva.


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