The Latest Leelanau County Blotter & 911 Call Report
The Leelanau Ticker is back with a look at the most alarming, offbeat, or otherwise newsworthy calls to the Leelanau Office of Emergency Management/911 dispatch. The following is excerpted from the March 4 to March 10 call reports.
8:57am 3/4/2025 Traffic Violation S West-Bay Shore Dr., White Jeep Cherokee, cut driver off, passed another vehicle on a double yellow line.
9:16pm 3/4/2025 Fires Line Arcing Leelanau Cty., Transformer on fire. Found the transformer, out investing. The engine won’t fit down the driveway, the deputy chief is down there now. There is no fire, there is debris on and around the transformer and the power is out in the area. Consumers notified.
11:41pm 3/4/2025 Suspicious Incident Leland, Someone came into caller’s townhouse, found footprints all over the carpet, door that had closed before was open. Out with caller and checking the residence. This is most likely a landlord/tenant issue.
4:23pm 3/5/2025 Suspicious Incident Duck Lake Rd., Gray SUV with flashers on, unoccupied, dogs in it, not running. South side of road.
11:58am 3/6/2025 Assist Dept Leelanau Cty., Conducting quarantine for dog in Leelanau.
4:07pm 3/6/2025 Standby Suttons Bay Twp., Wants a civil standby to get belongings.
7:30am 3/7/2025 Info N West Bay Shore Dr., Deer stuck in the ice, not far out.
11:26am 3/7/2025 Fraud Centreville Twp., Someone has used his debit card multiple times.
11:55pm 3/7/2025 Suspicious Vehicle Empire Twp., Caller lives on a private drive and advised there is a vehicle sitting on the road for about 15 minutes. Advised there are no other houses around his. Advised that the vehicle moved and the people that live down there are not in the area so no one should be there. Called back, car has now gone.
5:47pm 3/7/2025 Motor Vehicle Crash Lake Leelanau, Woman in car on its side. Woman is out of vehicle, inside ambulance.
10:06am 3/8/2025 Burn Permit Lake Leelanau, Back on 60 acre parcel. Burning orchard causing a lot of smoke.
8:35pm 3/8/2025 Building Check Leelanau Cty., Caller advised her neighbor’s door is open. The neighbors wanted her to go through the house and check it out but caller does not feel comfortable doing that and would like an officer to check it out.
8:33am 3/10/2025 MDOT Leelanau Cty., Damage from someone doing donuts in dirt parking lot around 2:30am, surveillance shows white truck.