Property Watch: Modern Vistas

Designed by renowned local architect Michael Fitzhugh, this home overlooks nothing – and everything. You can see forever from its perch atop a hillside. Combining the latest technology and energy efficiency with masterful design, the 6,334 square foot home includes four bedrooms and six bathrooms, with 80 feet of shared West Bay frontage. But that’s just the start.

Striking interior views begin as you enter, with a foyer featuring a suspended black walnut hanging staircase. Don’t miss the two-story waterfall that leads to the main living area – as if you could. But don’t be so enchanted you miss the rest of the wing with its meditation room, sauna, hot tub, plunge pool and wet bar.

The main level includes a gourmet kitchen, adjacent catering kitchen, and dining room with exterior glass window wall. The sunken living room boasts a suspended fireplace. The master bedroom has a steam shower, outdoor deck (those views!) and walk-in closets. The den with fireplace includes a bathroom.

The upper level features more stunning vistas, two bedrooms, a lofted library with curly walnut catwalk (with a Murphy bed), and a media room behind a hidden door. A four-car garage, heated driveways, luxurious outdoor deck (another waterfall!), and more.
Property Watch is sponsored by Venture Properties. See their waterfront properties in Leland and Northport here.