Property Watch: Countryside Icon

Showings started yesterday at this little red historic gem and its non-adjoined three bedroom, two bathroom family home on five acres in Elmwood Township (8230 E. Lakeview Hills Road; $495,000; MLS #1905231).

Listing agent Nicole White of Venture Properties shares that the property is anchored by a fully restored 130-year-old schoolhouse that has been meticulously brought back to life as a one bedroom, one bathroom guest house. 

“The owners—a draftswoman and a woodworker—put thousands of hours of custom touches to this restoration” she notes. The main house has also been renovated and its open concept living space is bathed in beautiful Land of Delight sunlight, with epic sunsets just out the back door. The property is nested in the county with easy access to town; it’s one mile from Farm Club, down the way from Lakeview Hill Farm, and across the road from the TART/Leelanau Trail.

Read more about the behind-the-scenes progress restoring this 1890-era schoolhouse here

Property Watch is sponsored by Venture Properties.