Leelanau Christian Neighbors Purchases Home

Leelanau Christian Neighbors (LCN) recently purchased a house at the corner of M204 and County  Road 641, a strategic acquisition aimed at mitigating the affordable housing crisis in Leelanau County.

This initiative was made possible through LCN’s Affordable Housing Fund, underscoring the organization's commitment to aiding those with inadequate resources the opportunity to live and thrive in the community.

"This purchase is a significant step in our efforts to serve Leelanau County residents and keep affordable housing in the county so young people can afford to live here," Mary Stanton, Executive Director of LCN, said in a statement."Our partnership with HomeStretch Nonprofit Housing Corporation is crucial in managing this property effectively, safeguarding it as an affordable option."

The property, formerly owned by the Zip Flees Trust, will be managed by HomeStretch Nonprofit Housing Corporation from Traverse City, MI. HomeStretch, known for its dedication to providing affordable housing solutions, will oversee the property's management, ensuring it is rented at a modest cost to support the community's needs.

"We are thrilled to partner with Leelanau Christian Neighbors on this important project," said Jon Stimson, Executive Director of HomeStretch Nonprofit Housing Corporation, in the statement. "Together, we can provide much-needed affordable housing in Leelanau County, ensuring that more families and young people have access to safe and affordable homes.”

For more information about Leelanau Christian Neighbors and HomeStretch Nonprofit Housing Corporation, or to learn how you can support their efforts, please visit LCN’s website and HomeStretch’s website.